Hi again, friends!
Oh, I simply couldn’t wait. I had to share my new favorite Back-to-school Project with you, today. (these can be made in less than 15 minutes.) In fact, I decided to do double posts, just so that you’d have these in time for school! Make Washi Tape Locks!
Like so many of the best ideas, they just happen. Yesterday, when we walked in the door after school supply shopping our daughter grabbed the washi and personalised her school lock. It took all of 5 minutes. (Yeah and Thank you, kid wonder…) Often, these are the kinds of projects that we all need!
People with kids often mention to me that they can’t seem to find the time to create with their kids like they did when they were toddlers, even if they had been active creators earlier and some, just don’t know where to begin — I sympathize with busy schedules when they share that they’re just too busy, there is too much running, too much homework; the kids are too old to engage, etc. and these are a great place to start: personal, self-guided, functional and necessary every day for bigger kids (and yes, littles, too.) Projects like this are part of my motivation to start willowday. I think being creative as a family is a place of such connection.
This idea started when our daughter had the idea to embellish her new school lock with our missing roll of mustache washi tape. I’m sure by the end of the week we will have every lock covered and I’d love to see what you do, too. She’s look for our lost roll of mustach tape!
(I’m going to make one for me, too. I’m always at a loss in the locker room trying to remember which locker I chose. With a lock like this, there would be no hesitation at all.Bingo! I see you, locker.)

Material: Lock, Washi tape, scissors
– Make sure that the lock is clean and dry.
– When the surface is ready, start embellishing with tape! Clip as necessary. I you are worried about too much wear, you could coat with a layer of glue or modpdge but, we didn’t. I think they’ll stay and if the pattern wears off, won’t it be fun just to start again?

Do you have a simple, 5 minute, back-to-school favourite? I’d love to see what you do with this! If you are on instagram, you’ll know that the kids are working on an honest to goodness carpentry project, here, for Henry. I’d love to see what you do with these and if you share toFacebook or Instagram, please let me know! (Use #willowdaycraft)
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52 Handmade Willowday Projects from 2014 (Click here)
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