Make Macaroni Pompom Flower Necklaces. Do you remember making macaroni necklaces as a kid? Macaroni necklaces seem to go hand-in-hand with kids and summer camps to me. With Spring blooming around us, I need to add flowers into the mix. By simply adding pompom, these simple Macaroni Pompom Flower Necklaces are quickly transformed into something special.
Follow me below to learn how your kids can make Macaroni Pompom Flower Necklace, too.
Jump for How-to and Macaroni Challenge Details:

(Approximately 2 Cups of pasta) Combine pasta with 4 T alcohol gel (or sanitary hand gel) that has had food colouring. stirred into it and blended thoroughly. Mix to achieve desired color.

Once the color is mixed, place the macaroni in a plastic bag, cover with the dye mixture and shake well.

Are you inspired to make something amazing with pasta? The Rockin’ Art Moms kicked off a challenge. See more ideas below:
Art assemblage with kids | pinecones pasta Barbara | Art Bar
Macaroni Mosiac Chelsey | Buggy and Buddy
A modern macaroni masterpiece Ami | Handmakery
Macaroni Noodle Frames | Leslie | Pink Stripey Socks
Painted Macaroni Necklaces | Michelle | Molly Moo
Macaroni Mosiacs | Jeanette | tinyrottenpeanuts
Painted Pasta Art | Allison

25 + Back-to-school DIY projects and inspiration! CLICK HERE
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