Do you have the Peanut’s Thanksgiving Song Track playing in your mind this week or finding yourself day dreaming about double-crust ideas? You’re in good company. Continue with me…
I listened to a podcast yesterday where writer Adam Gopnik philosophised that in present day America if, “A Christmas Carol” were revisited, it might be called “A Thanksgiving Carol” instead.
The idea really fascinated me. He went on to say that while he had friends who don’t recognise Christmas or celebrate their birthdays, he could think of no one who missed Thanksgiving. I find a lot of truth in this.
When juggling traditions while living multiculturally in Sweden, I’ve explained to my Swedish friends that “missing a Thanksgiving gathering, for me, feels like what I would image it would feel like to skip Midsummer Eve celebrations and to instead, go alone and to buy take out from a drive through.”
Here are a few ideas new and old for those of you who are doing and those of you who are just imagining:
- Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Table: I LOVE this table idea from Brittany for ex-pats + kids table | HERE (PS: Brittany’s been a contributor to the HOLDAY COUNTDOWN | HERE)
- Swoon-worthy Table: Add a Pampas Cloud | HERE
- Special ideas + projects from WILLOWDAY: Round up with November projects for your kids + you | HERE | 2. Several WILLOWDAY Wreaths | HERE 3. PIE (above) Have you ever thought to monogram a pie? HERE)
- READ: Memories of Thanksgiving Abroad and in-between | HERE
- MUSIC: What are your favorite songs for the holidays? Here’s an old playlist that I still keep in rotation: Thanksgiving Playlist | HERE
- Paper Bag Popcorn filled Turkey (perennial favorite: for kids and classes) | HERE
- KIDS TABLE: Craft Paper for Kids Tables covered with craft paper | several examples from tables to runners + more
- Over the top: Mulled Apple Cider Chia French Crullers
- QUOTES: A lovely small collection of Famous Thanksgiving Quotes:
- Norman Rockwell: After seeing this reimagining of the Classic Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving (here) I fell down a Norman Rockwell rabbit hole: Re-imagining Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms
Turning the calendar to November makes me think daily of things I’m thankful for and what ever the circumstance, we celebrate the day: big or small.
I’m fortunate to have wonderful friends here to share the day and culture with. I know that I never truly call my family Thanksgiving Day at the appropriate moment, but I will call, our 5 “absentee” placecard-name-plates will be dropped in the hat to draw Christmas presents along with everyone else in my extended family after dinner — and I will be there with them in spirit.
A shared story of community and tradition based on gratitude and thankfullness feels universally aspirational and I enjoy celebrating the essence of the idea of the day abroad. While it’s not a school holiday, you’ll find me in my kitchen, baking a the very foreign sounding pumpkin pie and raising a toast on Thursday.
Willowday Wishes,
(FREE printable Thanksgiving Wrapping Paper | HERE)
Thank you for meeting me here!
I hope you’ll join me and 23 others from December 1 to 24th here at willowday daily. I’ll post 24 projects from 24 Scandinavian or Scandinavian-inspired creates daily for YEAR FIVE”s annual creative calendar. I love to spread this creativity and inspiration and would be so happy if you do the same. MORE here about the project
A special edition of my book has arrived! I’m working to create a way to share this with you! Stay tuned over the next week. I can hardly wait to share a project that you inspired.