Isn’t it time for merry-making for you, too? Today, I wanted to share our Ice Lantern’s Summer Sister: Twins! Follow along below to see how you can make these, too! 2 Variations.
Style #1: Floating or simply plain.
Style #2: Petals
It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve shared something that’s just for you. Yes, you can make these with older children but, I made these by accident this winter the first time and used them for dinners all winter long and now, too. They’re party perfect: Parties. Weddings. Intimate dinners. Gifts. Although these look intricate, they’re actually quite fast and easy to make. Happy Making!
1. Melt the wax. Place the tea lights in a medium sized porcelain bowl and microwave for 2 minutes. Stir and check. If the candles need to be melted further, repeat. It took me 4 minutes to melt approximately 2 cups of candles.
2. Prepare a work space where you will be able to set the luminaries to dry. I spread my work surface with baking paper which is creates the perfect non-stick surface.
3. Inflate your balloons, careful not to inflate these larger than the bowl.
4. Dip the balloon into the wax. Dip to approximately the 1/2 way point.
Variation #1:
1. Simply dip the balloons after inflating them to the desired sizes. You can make these uniform or at alternative sizes. Pay attention that the balloons have been as evenly dipped as possible with strong edges and no thin areas that could become holes. This is particularly important if you plan to fill these with water.
2. Once the balloon has been uniformly covered, let the wax cool slightly so that you can see that the surface has a thin outer layer that has set and then, place the balloon, wax side down, onto the covered surface. Let dry.
3. Once dry, pop the balloon and carefully, carefully, assist how it peels away from the balloon. Completely peel the balloon away from the wax.
To use: either place one tea light in the middle of the luminary and lit, to use or fill the wax shell with water, place a floating candle and flower spring for pure magic!
Flower Topped Tea Bags
Gift wrap #16: Pyramid Gift Boxes
Ice Lanterns
Pyramid Lanterns with LED Lights