Pompom Finger Knit Belts
The things we do, after school….
Along with all of the excited feelings that accompany returning to school, there is something that amplifies shared moments when the kids come in the door at the end of the day. We talk. We walk. We cover books and re-write schedules. We imagine. A new routine is welcomed, as well as re-written.
And, we create.
Come create with us. Just click below…
Do you know anyone who hasn’t fallen for finger knitting and pompom making at some point? Finger knitting often passes through the house like a frenzy. We have a basket so full of colourful finger knitting that the kids have talked about entering it in the Guiness World Book of Records.
Finger knit after school, in the car, in the bleachers. Finger knitting is so easy and portable.
These belts remind me of a belt that was traditionally knitted for our daughter when she was just a toddler that I brought from from a trip to Italy. I’ve held on to it and have thought of knitting a new one myself for years — with finger knitting: she can! You can, too.
I can’t wait to see what you do with this tutorial. Happy creating!
Let’s get started:
Through the years, the kids have gotten very creative, too, by using it to make impromptu stuffed animals clothes, pillows, creating jumping ropes and using it to flying teddy bears down the stair case plus willowday finger knit projects: (more: here | here | here.) or willowday pompom projects: (for an iceskating party) or here (on pocket necklaces) or here.
2 Pompoms (how we like to make them, click here)
1 waist length measure of Finger Knitting (how to finger knit, click here)
1 needle,
matching thread
To create the belt, you will want to finger knit a length of knitting that has a long cord hanging from each end and the knitting should be able to wrap around you or from one hip bone to the other.
– Clip the ends of the finger knitting to be the same length.
– If using jersey, like we did above, you will stitch the cord of the pompom into the end thread of the finger knitting.
– Once the finger knitting has been sewn in, the belt is ready to be worn!
– If using plain yarn, we simply tied the pompoms to the finger knttting and in this example, used two pompoms. I love the effect! We used jersey to finger knit the above belts with. Below is an example of a belt with double pompoms and plain yarn.
Happy Making! Happy Willowday Wishes
Something you might like:
How to Finger Knit
Make Pom Poms for your Ice Skates
Make a Finger Knit Headband with Felt Flowers
Pocket necklaces with pompoms
Finger Knit Initials
Heart Shaped Pompoms.
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