This gift wrap series includes sweets for a sweetie! These, lollipop-flower embellished packages, are just the thing for ushering in Spring cheer.
How to Make This Gift Wrap:
Variation #1:Wrap package. Choose lollipop. Lollipop Flower instructions: Cut leaves. Make a slit for the lollipop stick in the area where the leaves connect together. Slip the lollipop through this slit. Push the leaves as tight to the candy as possible. Secure the lollipop to the packages using paper tape. Tape the Lollipop flower directly under the leaves in the middle of the package. These look best when if the leaves lay loose. #4 uses the same technique, but with 3 lollipops. (See the small photos and diagram above to aid in assembly.) Variations #2: Prepare the package with the CONFETTI WRAP (click here). Replacing the confetti pieces with slivers of green paper, gives the feeling of grass. In order to create a more vivid color pop, as seen in #2 and #3, match the ribbon to the lollipop or leaves. Tie this ribbon directly above the leaves and below the candy.
Gift Wrap Series #8: Origami Boxes
These boxes are clean, simple wrappings. Not only are they beautiful for gift giving; they are also re-useable. Choose traditional rice paper or personalize them, like this map variation.
Above: I wanted to mail our nephews a memento to capture the fun we had. Some of the items that the kids and I collected were: an eraser that looked like Swedish currency, a globe pencil sharpener and local favorite local candy bars, wrapped in Swedish colors. I asked my daughter to teach me how to make these origami boxes. If you would like to learn how to make these boxes, too, click here.
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