Today, I feel like George Bailey at the end of movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” for so many reasons.
First, there was the “I-wonder if” moment that actually worked —- and worked b-e-a-u-t-f-u-l-l-y —resulting in the creation of these Prism Snow Globes; then, there was Paul, of Sweet Paul Magazine.
I’d love for you to have a little more wonderful today, too. Come with us and learn how to make these Prism Snow Globes below.
I’ll show you how everyone can hold a little snow in the palm of their hands and create a snow globe that does not leak! These can be used in place of regular snow globes or strung up on a tree as ornaments.
Jump with me, below, to learn how to make these Prism Snow Globes and what Sweet Paul has to do with this joy, too.
I’ve been enamoured with Paul of Sweet Paul Magazine’s work from the first time I saw it. Founder, Paul, is a successful Norwegian food and craft stylist working and living in NYC with a beautiful blog, fantastic beautiful cookbook + exquisite magazine about these things + more. I’m completely charmed and a true fan.
Today, I am, humbly head over heals, over at Sweet Paul with the rest of this project: Click | HERE | for full post, how-to + template for these Prism Snow Globes over at Sweet Paul Magazine. I can’t wait to see what you do with these, too.
Everything about this makes me truly want to waltz into the house and twirl the kids around! Snow Globes for everyone and thank you, Sweet Paul.
Willowday Wishes!
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Willowday Wishes.