Happy New Year from my neighborhood to your own.
People always ask me what winters are like in Sweden and I wanted to give you a peak into my world for yourself.
I take a run or walk our dogs most mornings along the beautiful waterways in my neighborhood before or after the kids leave for school. I turn left for the sea, right to the lake, and straight ahead for a steep climb into the forest + up the neighbourhood sledding hill that’s also a ski hill that’s no longer in service. We’re almost always on the go before sun rise and although “being out before the sun rises” sounds ambitious, it’s not. In December, day break is after 9 AM and the sun then sets after 2. If you put your finger on a globe and spin it, there are very few cities this far north. It always makes me want to call out, “hello, Anchorage.” The thing about Swedish Winters is the light or decorative lights. Soft and subtle but, stars and candles seem to fill every window and the effect is beautiful.
The popular Danish word “hygge” — cozy — reflects this; but, in Sweden, the term is “mysig.” Has this word entered your vocabulary this year? I was astounded to see how many books have been published in the past year with “hygge” as their title. Since I live in Sweden, I’m thinking that I’m going to give hygge a little run for it’s money and spread some “mysig” this year.
I realised that I share many things in the world around me on Instagram (here) but I haven’t on the blog in a very, very long time and have decided to do that in 2018. Travel with me.
We’re just returning from holidays spent in the US + are getting into the swing of school and the everyday. I have several ideas planned to share here in the months ahead but, if there’s something special you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to send me a line. I’m curious. You can privately email me at willow tweet (at) gmail (dot) com or comment on this post.
Peruse make, kitchen or here for all else until I’m back. If you’re looking for fun things to do in the winter, Ice Lantern (here) are an all time family favorite (and huge willowday success). Here are 20 more Ice and Winter projects (here) In the kitchen this week? This past week, we crowned a king and wore paper hats on King’s Day eating our annual Kings Cake (here) . It’s a brioche recipe that you can make and enjoy whether it’s a holiday or not.
I’ll close today with a thought that’s been with me all day. “The perfect memory is never repeated but, it grows to become much more.” I’m feeling like that about my holidays and so many things that I’ve very grateful for. Wishing you the same and looking forward to the year again. It’s a genuine pleasure to meet you here.
As always, Willowday Wishes, Gina
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